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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter awakens from a nightmare wherein a man named Frank Bryce is killed after overhearing Lord Voldemort conspiring with Peter Pettigrew and another man. While Harry attends the Quidditch World Cup match between Ireland and Bulgaria with the Weasleys and Hermione, Death Eaters terrorise the camp, and the man who appeared in Harry's dream summons the Dark Mark.

At Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore introduces ex-Auror Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. He also announces that the school will host the Triwizard Tournament, in which three magical schools compete across three challenges. Only wizards aged seventeen and above may compete. The Goblet of Fire selects "champions" to take part in the competition: Cedric Diggory of Hufflepuff representing Hogwarts, Viktor Krum representing the Durmstrang Institute from Eastern Europe, and Fleur Delacour representing the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic from France. The Goblet unexpectedly selects Harry as a fourth champion. Dumbledore is unable to pull the underage Harry out of the tournament, as Ministry official Barty Crouch Sr. insists the champions are bound by a contract after being selected.

For the first task, each champion must retrieve a golden egg guarded by a dragon. Harry succeeds in retrieving his egg, which contains information about the second challenge. On Christmas Eve, a formal dance event known as the Yule Ball takes place; Harry and Ron attend with Parvati and Padma Patil, Harry's crush Cho Chang attends with Cedric, and Hermione attends with Viktor, making Ron jealous.

The second task involves the champions diving underwater to rescue someone valuable to them. Harry finishes third, but is promoted to second behind Cedric due to his "moral fibre", after saving Fleur's sister Gabrielle as well as Ron. Afterwards, Harry discovers the corpse of Crouch Sr. in the forest. While waiting for Dumbledore in his office, Harry discovers a Pensieve, which holds Dumbledore's memories. Harry witnesses a trial in which Durmstrang headmaster and former Death Eater Igor Karkaroff confesses to the Ministry of Magic names of other Death Eaters after Voldemort's defeat. When he names Severus Snape, Dumbledore vouches for Snape's innocence; Snape turned spy against Voldemort before the latter's downfall. After Karkaroff names Barty Crouch Jr., a devastated Crouch Sr. imprisons his son in Azkaban. Exiting the Pensieve, Harry realizes that Crouch Jr. is the man he saw in his dream.

For the final task, the champions must reach the Triwizard Cup, located in a hedge maze. After Fleur and Viktor are incapacitated, Harry and Cedric reach the cup together. The two together grab the cup, which turns out to be a Portkey and transports them to a graveyard where Pettigrew and Voldemort are waiting. On Voldemort's orders, Pettigrew murders Cedric with the Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra) and performs a ritual that rejuvenates Voldemort, who then summons the Death Eaters. Voldemort releases Harry and challenges him to a duel to prove he is the better wizard. Harry tries the Expelliarmus charm to block Voldemort's attempted Killing Curse. The beams from their wands entwine and Voldemort's wand disgorges the last spells it performed. The spirits of the people he murdered are seen in the graveyard: Cedric, Frank Bryce, and Harry's parents. This distracts Voldemort and his Death Eaters, allowing Harry to use the Portkey to escape with Cedric's body.

Harry tells Dumbledore that Voldemort returned and is responsible for Cedric's death. Moody takes Harry back to his office to interrogate him about Voldemort, inadvertently blowing his cover when he asks Harry about a graveyard, despite Harry not mentioning a graveyard. Moody reveals that he submitted Harry's name to the Goblet of Fire and manipulated Harry to ensure he would win the tournament. Moody then attempts to kill Harry, but Dumbledore, Snape, and Minerva McGonagall subdue him. The teachers force Moody to drink Veritaserum(a portion that spill the darkest secrets), and he reveals that he is not actually Moody and that the real Moody is imprisoned in a magical trunk as his Polyjuice Potion wears off. The impostor Moody is revealed as Crouch Jr. and returned to Azkaban.

Dumbledore reveals to the students that Voldemort killed Cedric, although the Ministry of Magic opposes the revelation. Dumbledore later visits Harry in his dormitory, apologizing to him for the dangers he endured. Harry reveals that he saw his parents in the graveyard; Dumbledore names this effect as "Priori Incantatem". Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons bid farewell to each other.

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