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  • tanishkavikrantpat

Online class of Hogwarts

Updated: Jan 24, 2022

Hello Potter heads! as you know covid is spreading all around the word... but what if covid was in the wizarding world?? lets find out! before you leviOSA through it, please subscribe to my blog and comment bellow what my next post should be about!


*all join zoom meeting*

prof dumb bell dore: HELLO!!! Hello!!!! can you see me!!!! Hello!!! Hello!!!!

Harry: freezes in online class sitting bellow the stairs

Ron: very close to the camera with mic on and dont know whats happening

Ginny: mom! have you seen my computer??!!

Hermoine: muted, video on and ready for class

Mc chees Gonnal: *trying to mute all*

Seamus: casting random spell all around and get his face blacked out. (again)

Luna: This class is just the sane as I am.

Draco: This closs is riddiculous!

Neville: Ohh no! I forgot the password for the meeting!!

*all gets settled*


*Snape joins*

Snape: Good evening class! There will be no need to unmute! today we will be making an Indian drink called kaddha. It gives us immunity in the covid 19 period! now now class! turn to page 394! MISSTAH POTTAH! what are the 3 most crucial ingredients in the kaddha??!!

Harry: I dont know sir...

Snape: fame isn't everything! 20 points from Gryffindor!

Draco:*spams in chat*

Snape: very good Draco! 200 points to Slytherin!!

Hermoine: *raises virtual hand*

Snape: Miss Granger! 20 more points taken! for making sounds unnecessarily with that hand sound!

Hermoine: but sir-

Snape: *mutes her*

Ron: wow sir! you are truly magical! how did you mute her in a virtual zoom class??!! you are so grate!

Snape: what?? Mr Weasley... its not any magic. there are teacher privileges in this call!!

Ron: ohh

Snape: anyway class dismissed. next class practical test on this topic!

Harry: but sir you just introduced!

Snape: 150 more points from Gryffindor because I like to!

*class ends*

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