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  • tanishkavikrantpat

I solemnly swear that Harry made some bad life decisions

Hello Potter Heads! welcome back to yet another post. today we will be talking about mistakes Harry made in his life. Have a seat and be comfortable and have a biscuit potter head.

Harry tries to do the right thing and make the right choices when faced with difficult situations, he doesn’t always do so. Some of his decisions also have some pretty severe consequences. before we Leviosa though it do subscribe and comment down about my next post should be about and if you dont tomorrow you will be waken up by an supper angry Hermoine.


Breaking Rules Without Thinking Things Through

rule one: Leaving A Ministry Official in the Forbidden Forest. best thing that happened! I really appreciate the one rule you took seriously "MUST NOT TELL LIES!"

Attacking His Potions Teacher: Harry what is wrong with you?! Snape tried to save you and you just yetted him out off the room.

Disobeying Dumbledore's Direct Orders & Taking On A Troll

very bad Harreyh! stop troubling the old 150 year old grand father. all thanks to Hermoine otherwise you would have been dangling throughout the series.

Entering The Forbidden Forest: one of the first rules taught even before sorting into houses! JUST LIKE JAMES! he should be probably in the Guinness book of world records for braking rules! full on criminal! please call 911! he also has broken many rules but these are the main ones

Stealing The Ford Anglia With Ron

I am still curious how in the whole wizarding world how he did not get arrested! for stealing and then no drivers license and seen by 7 muggles! well there were some pros and corns with it...

As dumb as it was to just steal and fly the Weasley’s car to Hogwarts instead of waiting for Arthur and Molly or sending an owl to Hogwarts, it might’ve been much worse if they hadn’t. Say Harry and Ron never took the car, then the car would’ve never gone wild and escaped to the Forbidden Forest. When the acromantulas in the forest tried to eat them, they would’ve had no means of escape since the car wouldn’t be there to rescue them and thus would’ve died meaning there would be no one to solve the mystery of where the Chamber of Secrets was so in hindsight taking the car did work out for the best.

Treating Cho Chang

ohh Harry Harry your dancing with a stranger. it was actually not her mistake in the books. her friend had exposed Dumbledore's army. in the movies it was shown that Cho had exposed it and he started ignoring her.

Using Sectumsempra Without Knowing What It Did

well Hermione was right in the first year. WoT aN IdIoT! You almost killed my Fav character! well this would be my reaction to it:

Draco: *Cries*

Harry: Wass up? anyway back to drama and chaos..... I KNOW WHAT YOU DID!

*Draco and Harry start to fight*

Harry: Sectumsempra!

Draco: *Cries more and starts to blood*

me: Avade ke davra!

Hermione: Its Avada Kedavra not avade ke davra!

you: does it matter!?

Draco: *Laughs* VICTORY!

Harry: *comes back from heaven* SURPRISE AMINGOS!

Draco: *Cries more loudly*

me: *starts crying with him* WHY!!

Harry: BeCaUsE I aM ThE ChOsEn OnE

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