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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Following Dumbledore's death, Voldemort is attempting to take control of the Ministry of Magic. Meanwhile, Harry is about to turn seventeen, and lose the protection from his mother. Members of the Order of the Phoenix relocate the Dursleys, and prepare to move Harry to the Burrow, by flying him there, using Harry's friends as decoys. Death Eaters attack them upon departure, and in the ensuing battle, "Mad-Eye" Moody and Hedwig are killed and George Weasley's ear is cursed off by Snape. Voldemort arrives to kill Harry, but Harry's wand fends him off on its own.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione prepare to hunt down Voldemort's four remaining Horcruxes, and inherit bequests from Dumbledore: a Golden Snitch for Harry, a Deluminator(an object which can take in light) for Ron, and "The Tales of Beedle the Bard"(book), for Hermione. They are also bequeathed the Sword of Godric Gryffindor, which can destroy Horcruxes, but the Ministry prevents them from receiving it. During Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's wedding, the Ministry falls to Voldemort, and the wedding is attacked by Death Eaters. Harry, Ron, and Hermione flee to 12 Grimmauld Place, Sirius Black's family home. Meanwhile, Voldemort's new tyrannical faction begins hunting and arresting Muggle-born witches and wizards, and Snape becomes the new Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Harry, Ron and Hermione learn that Sirius's late brother Regulus had stolen the Horcrux locket, and hid it in the house, where it was stolen by Mundungus Fletcher(a member of the order and a thief). House-elf Kreacher locates Fletcher, who had the locket taken by Dolores Umbridge. The trio infiltrate the Ministry and steal the locket from Umbridge, but Grimmauld Place is compromised in their escape. They are forced to hide in the wilderness, unable to destroy the locket and with no further leads. The locket affects Ron, and he abandons the group. Harry and Hermione discover about Dumbledore's past friendship with the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald. They travel to Godric's Hollow, Harry's birthplace, where they are attacked by Nagini(Voldemort's pet snake). They escape, but Harry's wand is damaged. One day, a doe Patronus guides Harry to a pond containing Gryffindor's sword. When Harry tries to recover the sword, the locket nearly kills him. Ron, guided back by the Deluminator, saves him and destroys the locket.

In Dumbledore's book, Hermione identifies a symbol they had seen worn by Xenophilius Lovegood, father of Luna Lovegood. They visit him and are told the symbol represents the mythical Deathly Hallows: the Elder Wand, an unbeatable wand; the Resurrection Stone, which can summon the dead; and an infallible Invisibility Cloak. As Xenophilius acts strangely, the trio realize that Luna has been captured, and he has called Death Eaters to catch them, in exchange for her freedom. The three escape, and Harry deduces that Voldemort is hunting the Elder Wand, which had passed to Dumbledore after he defeated Grindelwald. Harry deduces that the third Hallow is his own Invisibility Cloak, and his Snitch contains the Resurrection Stone.

The trio are captured and taken to Malfoy Manor. Bellatrix tortures Hermione, believing they stole Gryffindor's sword from her vault at Gringotts. With the help of Dobby the house-elf, they escape to Bill and Fleur's house along with fellow prisoners, including the goblin Griphook. During the escape, Dobby is killed by Bellatrix. Harry has a vision of Voldemort stealing the Elder Wand from Dumbledore's tomb. The trio decide to break into Bellatrix's vault, believing another Horcrux to be there. With Griphook's help, they break in, retrieve Hufflepuff's cup, and escape, but Griphook steals Gryffindor's sword in the process. Harry has a vision of Voldemort being informed of the heist. Voldemort decides to check on his Horcruxes, revealing the remaining ones: Nagini, and one at Hogwarts.

The trio head to Hogwarts, entering the school with the help of Dumbledore's brother Aberforth. Voldemort is alerted to Harry's whereabouts, and mounts an assault on Hogwarts. The teachers and students mobilize to defend the school. Ron and Hermione destroy Hufflepuff's cup with basilisk fangs from the Chamber of Secrets. Harry discovers that the Horcrux is Ravenclaw's diadem(like a crown). The trio find the diadem in the Room of Requirement, but are ambushed by Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Crabbe attacks them using a cursed fire, but fails to control it; the fire kills him and destroys the diadem. Meanwhile, many are killed in Voldemort's assault, including Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, and Fred Weasley.

Voldemort feels the Elder Wand is not performing as expected. Reasoning that Snape, having killed Dumbledore, is its true owner, Voldemort murders Snape. Harry arrives as Snape dies, and Snape passes him memories to view in the Pensieve. They reveal Snape loved Harry's mother, and had acted as a double agent against Voldemort. He had watched over the trio, conjuring the doe Patronus. It is also revealed that Dumbledore was dying after mishandling the ring Horcrux, and had planned his "murder" at Snape's hands. Harry also learns that he is a Horcrux, unbeknownst to Voldemort, and must die at Voldemort's hands to render him mortal. Harry gives himself up, instructing Neville Longbottom to kill Nagini. On the way, he uses the Resurrection Stone within the Snitch to reunite with deceased loved ones. He loses the stone as he meets Voldemort, who casts the Killing Curse on him.

Harry awakens in a dreamlike location resembling King's Cross and is greeted by Dumbledore. He explains that Voldemort's original Killing Curse left a fragment of his soul in Harry, causing their connection. The latest Killing Curse had destroyed that fragment, allowing Harry to return to life or to "go on". Harry returns to life and feigns death. Voldemort calls for a truce at Hogwarts and displays Harry's body, demanding their surrender. Neville, however, pulls Gryffindor's sword out of the Sorting Hat and kills Nagini.

Reinforcements for the defenders arrive and the battle resumes, with Bellatrix being killed by Molly Weasley, and Harry revealing himself to Voldemort. He explains that the Elder Wand's loyalty transfers upon the defeat, not the killing, of its previous master. Draco, not Snape, had been the Elder Wand's master, having disarmed Dumbledore before Snape killed him. Having disarmed Draco prior, Harry is now the master of the Elder Wand. Voldemort attempts the Killing Curse on Harry, but the spell rebounds, killing Voldemort. Harry uses the Elder Wand to repair his original wand, intending to return the Elder Wand to Dumbledore's tomb. He keeps his Invisibility Cloak, and lets the Resurrection Stone remain lost. The wizarding world returns to peace once more. 19 years later, the main characters are seeing their children off to Hogwarts. Harry and Ginny have three children: James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna. Ron and Hermione have two children, Rose and Hugo. Draco and his wife are sending off their son Scorpius. Albus is departing for his first year, and worries he will be placed in Slytherin. Harry reassures him, telling his son of Snape's bravery, and that the Sorting Hat could account for his wishes. As his scar has not hurt in 19 years, Harry notes that "all is well".

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