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  • tanishkavikrantpat

Dumb bell doors Army

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

Harry: Welcome to one and all. ready to die?? because Umbridge wont let us will she??

Everyone: Ye-

Harry: tut tut! who ever whishes to talk in my class will raise their hands!! I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends!

Everyone: .........

Harry: .........

Ron: Blimey Harry will you stop hanging with that toad like face villain?

Harry: As I told you Mr Weasley, naughty children deserve to be punished! Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences may be severe! now lets start!



Almost beautiful in its simplicity, the Disarming Charm is frequently used in wizarding duels, forcing one’s opponent to drop their wand. As soon as a wizard casts this charm by bellowing Expelliarmus’, a jet of red light shoots from their wand. Harry has the members of Dumbledore’s Army practice the spell in pairs. I mean come on! Voldy gets beaten up with a second year spell with a dark spell! sheeshhh! bet he failed his O.W.S


Stunning is one of the most useful spells in the wizard’s arsenal. It renders the victim unconscious.

The effects of the Stunning Spell may be counteracted by ‘Rennervate’, but will also wear off with time on their own. Another method of avoiding the spell is to deflect it with a Shield Charm, which Harry does teach his D.A. comrades. well a very use less spell for Harry.


In the film Order of the Phoenix members of Dumbledore’s Army practice the spell on each other in the Room of Requirement under Harry’s supervision, and Luna Lovegood goes on to use this one on a Death Eater in the Ministry of Magic. The incantation ‘Levicorpus’ can be cast silently or spoken aloud, resulting in the victim being suspended in mid-air by their ankle. There is a counter jinx, called ‘Liberacorpus’. Miss Ravenclaw's favorite spell! Luna rules!


This spell splits a solid object into pieces or even into a fine dust. Members of Dumbledore’s Army then proceed to use the curse during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, smashing the shelves in the Hall of Prophecy.

Expecto Patronum

The Patronus Charm is the most difficult spell Harry attempts to teach Dumbledore’s Army. Many witches and wizards are unable to produce a Patronus at all. Remus Lupin originally taught Harry how to master this tricky charm when Harry needed it to protect himself from the Dementors who were paying him unwelcome attention. The charm requires the incantation ‘Expecto Patronum’ combined with intense concentration on a single, extremely happy memory. The Patronus then acts as a shield, with Dementors feeding on it rather than the wizard himself. Harry’s Patronus takes the form of a stag (his father’s Animagus), Hermione’s is an otter, Ron’s is a Jack Russell terrier, Luna Lovegood’s is a hare, Ginny Weasley’s is a horse and Cho Chang’s is a swan. Harry teaches the charm to Dumbledore’s Army for the purpose of protection from Dark creatures like Dementors, but the spell also has another use, devised by Dumbledore. He invented a way of using the Patronus to deliver messages, a tool both he and members of the Order of the Phoenix utilize for secure communication.

That is how its done!


Ron: Harryyyy

Umbridge: bombarda Maxima

*Comes in*

What's going on?!! talk!

Ron: We... we were practicing our Home work

Harry: we were practicing to kill Voldemort. sorry Ron I must not tell lies

Umbridge: I taught you well!

every one: ..................

Harry: winks

everyone smiles and knows what's going to happen



Thank you!

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