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  • tanishkavikrantpat

Amazing facts about Harry Potter

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  • J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter share birthdays. They were both born on July 31st.

  • She created Quidditch after a fight with her Boyfriend.

  • There are 700 fouls in Quidditch.

Man if I was playing this game I would lose my mind! 700! wow

  • She thought about killing Arthur Weasley after he’s attacked by Nagini in ‘Order of the Phoenix’ ., but instead opted to save him, partly because “there were very few good fathers in the book’’.

  • Rowling also seriously considered killing Ron.

Come on Rowling we already lost all the good ones like Fred, Dora, Lupin, Dobby, Sirius and the list goes on forever. I would be so glad if you chopped Umbridge and burnt her alive then put her in a churning machine. Admit it we all want her dead than Voldemort. Come on! only one character. You can do it! Otherwise...

Umbridge: Hem hem! Rule no 268: you are not allowed to breathe without permission!

  • The wizarding world’s plants come from a real book called ‘Culpeper's Complete Herbal’ .

  • The actress of Moaning Myrtle was much much older than a student. In fact, she was 36.

  • The film’s makeup artist applied the lightning bolt many, many times over the course of eight films. Somewhere near 5 thousand 800 times.

  • Radcliffe also went through 160 pairs of Harry’s round-frame glasses.

Hats of to the Harry Potter make up crew. Hard work really paid off. Bet after doing the same thing so many years they can do it blind folded.

  • Dumbledore was gay. He had fallen in love with Grindelwald.

  • Dumbledore's boggart is the corpse of his sister, Ariana.

  • Voldemort's boggart is his own corpse.

  • Back in the days, the Malfoys hung out with rich muggles.

Lie, My whole Life was a lie! I Know right the most bazar thing you have herd in the series!

  • The Resurrection Stone Is Still In The Forbidden Forest.

  • Harry Can No Longer Speak Parseltongue. After the fragment of Voldemort's soul inside Harry was destroyed as the true final Horcrux, Harry lost his ability to speak Parseltongue.

Hagrid: Dont worry Harreyh, Ron here can help you with it!

Harry: Umm.... How?

Hagrid: You gave him Parseltongue classes in your sleep remember?

Harry: What?.....

  • Luna Lovegood Marries Newt Scamander's Grandson.

  • The third smell Hermione recognizes in the Amortentia potion is Ron's hair.

In My opinion Luna should have ended up with Longbottom. They are Perfect!

  • Fred and George Weasley were born on April Fools' Day.

Now that explains these Jokers

  • George never got over Fred's death — and he was never able to produce a Patronus again.

The most saddest thing in the series. One died happily with a smile and the other lived with depression.

  • Ron's Patronus is a Jack Russell Terrier, known for chasing otters. Hermione's Patronus is an otter.


  • "Expecto Patronum" translates to "I await a guardian" in Latin.

I wish here was a spell known as Expresso Patronum which gives free coffee. Life set only with a wand!

  • Snape was the only Death Eater who could perform the Patronus Charm.

  • After Snape died, he was not immediately added to the portraits in the headmaster's office — but Harry insisted he be placed next to Dumbledore.

Well... some villains need to be forgiven and not treated badly as they can be misunderstood.

  • A magnificent fountain in the middle of the park at Beauxbatons School is said to have healing and beautifying powers.

Free Fair and Lovely for life! No need for cosmetics! Let's go!

Dumbledore after visiting Beauxbatons:

Oh wow I am so pretty now!


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